Benefits of Membership in ShareSource include:
- Access to Premier, Inc.’s comprehensive contract portfolio at no cost.
- Ever increasing services through ShareSource negotiated contracts and partnerships.
- Contract, vendor, distributor and GPO conversion assistance.
- Supply chain automation and comprehensive spend analytic tools via Premier.
- Benchmarking to improve supply chain ratios.
- On-site support, networking and educational opportunities.
- Dedicated Member Services Team
ShareSource Members currently consist of the following classes of trade:
Acute Care (12)
Ambulatory Care (311)
Behavioral Health (35)
Pharmacy (8)
Healthcare Lab (106)
Home Health (14)
Hospice (52)
Physican (515)
Senior Living (148)
Surgery Centers (64)
Other Healthcare (255)
Business & Industry (995)
Colleges/Universities (12)
K-12 Public & Private Schools (79)
Hospitality (51)
Parks & Recreation/Fairgrounds (23)
Religious Institutes (180)
Other Non-Healthcare (152)
ShareSource Total Membership 3,000
Become a Member of ShareSource Today
By becoming a member of ShareSource you will join over 1600 other members that enjoy significant cost savings associated with our GPO contracting and you will be supported throughout your cost-savings journey.
There is no membership fee, no dues, no entry fee, and you make no commitment. On-going membership is voluntary. ShareSource will be your sponsor. You will fill out a simple membership application (see below), and approval and set-up will happen within a few days. A Premier Entity Identification Code (EIC) will identify you to vendors as being eligible for Premier pricing. A representative of ShareSource will orient you, discuss contracts you wish to access, assist you with on-line activation, and provide access and training for Supply Chain Advisor (SCA) which is Premier’s electronic, online contract catalog.
Have more questions? No problem, contact our team today at